Past activities

20 May 2023

Annual meeting of the scientific committee of the Belgian Arenberg Foundation in Enghien/Edingen

The annual meeting of the scientific committee of the Belgian Arenberg Foundation was organized on Saturday, the 20th of May, 2023.

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Annual meeting Medals for merit

10 May 2023

Eerstejaarsstudenten stoten op verrassingen tijdens opgravingen aan Arenbergkasteel: “Elke baksteen is al bestudeerd, wat eronder zit nog niet”, artikel in Het Nieuwsblad

Op het binnenplein van het Arenbergkasteel hebben eerstejaarsstudenten archeologie enkele zestiende-eeuwse muren blootgelegd. Ze deden dat tijdens een zogenaamde ‘fieldschool’, waarbij ze archeologische technieken in praktijk leren toepassen. “Deze ene week, bewijst dat archeologisch onderzoek hier absoluut nog nodig is”, zegt verantwoordelijke docent Johan Claeys.

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21 March 2023

XVIth Prizes for History "Duke d'Arenberg"

The Prize award "Duke of Arenberg" took place on Tuesday, 21 March 2023, at the Palace of Academies in Brussels, between 5 and 8 PM.

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History Prizes "Duke d'Arenberg" Prizes

2 February 2023

Book presentation: "The Habsburg Monarchy as a Fiscal-Military State: Contours and Perspectives 1648–1815"

Die Belgische Botschaft in Wien erlaubt sich, auf die Präsentation des Buches "The Habsburg Monarchy as a Fiscal-Military State: Contours and Perspectives 1648–1815" am 2. Februar 2023 um 18.30 Uhr in der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien aufmerksam zu machen. Das Buch enthält einen wichtigen Aufsatz über belgisch-österreichische Finanz- (Kredit-) Beziehungen im 18. Jahrhundert.

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Book presentation

13 December 2022

Dreams of Egypt in the Arenberg gardens and collections from the 17th to the 19th century - Lecture by Mrs Marie-Cécile Bruwier, Egyptologist

Lecture by Mrs Marie-Cécile Bruwier, Egyptologist, honorary director of the Royal Museum of Mariemont, organised in Enghien under the auspices of the Cercle royal archéologique d'Enghien.

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Conferences & seminars