Past activities

11 April 2024

"Fondation d'Arenberg", article in Paris Match

In the Royal Galleries of Saint-Hubert in Brussels, a significant event took place under the auspices of the Arenberg Foundation: a seminar on the theme "Artificial Intelligence, Friend or Foe? The Challenges of a Technological Revolution," addressed by renowned experts.

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25 March 2024

Seminar on AI: L’Intelligence Artificielle amie ou ennemie? Les enjeux d’une révolution technologique

Seminar on AI: L’Intelligence Artificielle amie ou ennemie? Les enjeux d’une révolution technologique | Artificiële Intelligentie vriend of vijand? De uitdagingen van een technologische revolutie. Seminar organised by the Arenberg Foundation and Les Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert. Welcome: 14h30 - Seminar: 15h - Reception: 18h.

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Conferences & seminars Seminar

22 March 2024

A Count of Arenberg - Cock van Neerijnen commemoration

On Friday, 22 March, at 17:00hr, a John of Ligne, count of Arenberg - Cock van Neerijnen commemoration will take place in the St. Cathrine church in Zevenbergen.

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17 February 2024

Lauenen Chamber Concert

The Lauenen Chamber Concerts Association is a small and lean organisation with the objective to organise and support performances of chamber music (including chamber orchestras) in Lauenen. Other efforts have included the support of young musicians and the promotion of contemporary classical music.

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Lauenen Concert Music

1 January 2024

Appel à contribution - colloque Sedan 2024

Dans le cadre des manifestations qui vont célébrer les 600 ans du château fort de Sedan, la Société d'Histoire et d'Archéologie du Sedanais va organiser un colloque en partenariat avec le Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique (Gis) Patrimoines militaires: Architectures, aménagements, techniques et sociétés, sous la direction scientifique de Laurent Jalabert (université de Lorraine) et Émilie d’Orgeix (EPHE-PSL).

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