Activités passées

23 mai 2013

7ème Prix Arenberg-Coimbra Group, Galway

The 2013 Laureate of the Arenberg-Coimbra Group Prize is Mr Juho Terrijärvi.

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Prix Arenberg - Coimbra Group Remises de prix

23 novembre 2012

XIème remise des prix d'histoire 'Duc d'Arenberg'

Opening words by minister of State Mark Eyskens and prof. dr Hilde De Ridder - Symoens, chair of the Awards Committee.   Presentation of the work by Peter Winzen, “Im Schatten Wilhelms II. Bülows und Eulenburgs Poker um die Macht im Kaiserreich”, SH Verlag, 2011 by prof. Thomas Weber. Speech by laureate

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Prix d’Histoire «Duc d’Arenberg» Remises de prix

30 mai 2012

6ème Prix Arenberg-Coimbra Group, Göttingen

The 2012 Laureate of the Arenberg-Coimbra Group Prize is Ms Julia Tóth-Czifra.

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Prix Arenberg - Coimbra Group Remises de prix

26 mai 2011

5ème Prix Arenberg-Coimbra Group, Padova

The 2011 Laureate of the Arenberg-Coimbra Group Prize is Mr Francesco Lubian (Padova - Heidelberg).

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Prix Arenberg - Coimbra Group Remises de prix

5 novembre 2010

Xème remise des prix d'histoire 'Duc d'Arenberg' & Conference ‘Russia-Europe, a partnership for the future ?’

Award of the Prizes for History "Duke d'Arenberg" combined with a conference about ‘Russia-Europe, a partnership for the future ?’ Symposium and Conference organised in partnership by the Arenberg Foundation, the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL) and the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) with the Chamber of Commerce of Belgium- Luxembourg for Russia and Belarus.

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Conférences & seminaires Prix d’Histoire «Duc d’Arenberg» Remises de prix