Activités passées

3 juin 2015

1er Prix Européen Collège de l'Europe - Arenberg, Parlement Européen, Bruxelles

Ist Prize Award College of Europe Arenberg «Exploring federal solutions» in the European Parliament, Brussels. In collaboration with the College of Europe, Natolin-Bruges. The 2015 Laureate was Mr Tomasz Wozniakowski.

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Prix Européen Collège de l'Europe - Arenberg Remises de prix

27 mai 2015

9ème Prix Arenberg-Coimbra Group, Leiden

The 2015 Laureate is Benjamin van Soldt from the University of Leiden. Mr Benjamin van Soldt spent his Erasmus exchange visit as a final year Master student in Biology for 11 months during the academic year 2013-2014 at the University of Aarhus (Denmark).

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Prix Arenberg - Coimbra Group Remises de prix

14 novembre 2014

XIIème remise des prix d'histoire 'Duc d'Arenberg'

This year's laureates are Sander Berghmans and Christopher Clark.

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Prix d’Histoire «Duc d’Arenberg» Remises de prix

20 juin 2014

8ème Prix Arenberg-Coimbra Group, Groningen

The 2014 Laureate of the Arenberg-Coimbra Group Prize is Mr Steven Otterman from the University of Göttingen (Germany).

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Prix Arenberg - Coimbra Group Remises de prix

23 mai 2013

7ème Prix Arenberg-Coimbra Group, Galway

The 2013 Laureate of the Arenberg-Coimbra Group Prize is Mr Juho Terrijärvi.

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Prix Arenberg - Coimbra Group Remises de prix