Past Activities

29 June 2021

15th Arenberg-Coimbra Group Prize Award, Zoom

The 2021 Arenberg-Coimbra Group Prize for Erasmus students was officially awarded to Katharina Wenderott (University of Göttingen, Erasmus+ exchange at the University of Granada) during a virtual ceremony held in presence of the Duke of Arenberg on 29 June 2021.

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Arenberg - Coimbra Group Prize Prizes

25 November 2020

XVth Prizes for History "Duke d'Arenberg"

Because of the coronavirus, the bi-annual prize award "Duke d'Arenberg" won’t take place in 2020, but will be moved to the 17th of November 2021.

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History Prizes "Duke d'Arenberg" Prizes

22 October 2020

14th Arenberg-Coimbra Prize Award, Zoom

The 2020 Laureate of the Arenberg-Coimbra Group Prize is Ms Maddalena Centanni from Leiden University (The Netherlands). Centanni spent her six month Erasmus exchange at Uppsala Universiy in Sweden where she looked for ways to improve anti-cancer drug dosing.

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Arenberg - Coimbra Group Prize Prizes

19 February 2020

3rd College of Europe - Arenberg Prize Award, Brussels

The third edition of the College of Europe – Arenberg European Prize has been awarded to Dr Quincy CLOET for his article "Two sides to every story(teller): competition, continuity and change in narratives of European integration".

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College of Europe - Arenberg European prize Prizes

7 June 2019

13th Arenberg-Coimbra Prize Award, Krakow

The 2019 Laureate of the Arenberg-Coimbra Group Prize is Ms Janeli Harjus from the University of Tartu (Estonia). Ms Janeli Harjus spent her 5-month Erasmus exchange at Aarhus University in Denmark. After graduating in June 2018 in Tartu, Ms Janeli Harjus’ thesis was awarded the best MA thesis in her programme in 2018.

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Arenberg - Coimbra Group Prize Prizes