The Arenberg Foundation & Music

Every year in February the Lauenen Chamber Concerts celebrate music for music's sake in the beautiful snowy mountain chapel of Lauenen, since the first concert in 2003. Artistic director and co-founder is Maestro Joji Hattori. The Arenberg Foundation is one of the sponsors.

The Arenberg family has a history of music mecenate, as the discovery of forgotten Vivaldi sheet music in the Arenberg Archives in Enghien testifies.

Read more about music in the Arenberg collection on our "music" page.

Past Activities

29 February 2020

Lauenen Chamber Concert

The Lauenen Chamber Concerts Association is a small and lean organisation with the objective to organise and support performances of chamber music (including chamber orchestras) in Lauenen. Other efforts have included the support of young musicians and the promotion of contemporary classical music.

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Lauenen Concert Music

2 March 2019

Lauenen Chamber Concerts

The Lauenen Chamber Concerts Association is a small and lean organisation with the objective to organise and support performances of chamber music (including chamber orchestras) in Lauenen. Other efforts have included the support of young musicians and the promotion of contemporary classical music.

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Lauenen Concert Music

26 May 2018

Conductor of the Arenberg Choir Lou Van Cleynenbreugel receives Arenberg medal

On 26 May 2018 Lou Van Cleynenbreugel, conductor of the Arenberg Choir, received the silver Arenberg medal for merit from the hands of Duke Leopold of Arenberg in Heverlee.

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Medals for merit Silver medal Music

10 February 2018

15th Anniversary of the Lauenen Chamber Concerts

In 2018 we celebrated the Lauenen Chamber Concerts' 15th Anniversary, as the first concert took place in February 2003. The Lauenen Chamber Concerts Association is a small and lean organisation with the objective to organise and support performances of chamber music (including chamber orchestras) in Lauenen. Other efforts have included the support of young musicians and the promotion of contemporary classical music.

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Music Lauenen Concert

6 February 2016

Annual chamber music concert in the church of Lauenen, Berner Oberland

See Lauenen Chamber Music Association:

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Lauenen Concert Music