Upcoming Activities

5–6 June 2025

XIIth Arenberg Conference for History: women's voices on nobility

International colloquium: women's voices on nobility. This conference aims to examine how women from aristocratic backgrounds, or those who integrated the aristocracy through marriage, conceived of their place within this group and its role within society as a whole. It will also explore the ways in which they were likely to (or inclined to) express this.

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Conferences & seminars Arenberg Conference for History

Past Activities

12–14 October 2023

XIth Arenberg Conference for History: Blood and Virtue. Nobility of Blood and Nobilities of soul in the Middle Ages

XIth Arenberg Conference for History: Blood and Virtue. Nobility of Blood and Nobilities of soul in the Middle Ages - The existence, in the Middle Ages, of a social category with a high situation because of its birth is commonplace. As early as the 7th century, Isidore of Seville played on notus (adjectivized past participle of gnosco, “know”) and its derivatives notabilis and nobilis, and defined the noble as “Someone whose name and family are known”. However, while this quality is inherited, the social pre-eminence of the nobility is also justified by the outstanding qualities and virtues of its members.

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Conferences & seminars Arenberg Conference for History

30 June – 2 July 2022

Xème Conférence d’Arenberg pour l’Histoire: Les noblesses transnationales, XIIIe-XXe siècle

En étudiant les pratiques et les marqueurs de la "transnationalité", cette rencontre a pour objectif de questionner les processus de formation et de persistance de noblesses inscrites dans des espaces pluriels qui se distingueraient des noblesses exclusivement "nationales". L’inscription transnationale entraîne-t-elle une modification des comportements, des habitudes, des manières de penser?

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Conferences & seminars Arenberg Conference for History

18–20 September 2019

IXth Arenberg Conference for History: Heraldic Hierarchies: Identities, status and state intervention in early modern heraldry

Over the past decades, the study of the adoption and use of arms within a wide range of social groups has questioned the exclusive association between heraldry and nobility. Yet, while considerable research has been done on the medieval heydays of the system, historians as well as heraldists usually steer clear from later developments.

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Conferences & seminars Arenberg Conference for History

6–7 December 2018

VIIIth Arenberg Conference for History: Addressing the Public Abroad. Strategies of Cultural and Public Diplomacy in the Early Modern Habsburg World (1550-1750)

This conference aims to examine a field that a number of historians and art historians have analyzed in the last two decades, but which has seldom been explicitly delineated or discussed in a comparative fashion: strategies of cultural and public diplomacy in the early modern Habsburg world (1550-1750). Therefore, this conference focuses on the different tactics employed by the representatives of foreign nations and groups – both official and unofficial – in influencing public opinion abroad and, in doing so, furthering diplomatic engagements.

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Conferences & seminars Arenberg Conference for History

5–6 June 2018

VIIth Arenberg Conference for History: Nobility in Exile

Les migrations nobiliaires entre la France, l’Empire et l’Europe centrale (XVe - XIXe siècle).

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Conferences & seminars Arenberg Conference for History