Voorbije activiteiten

5 november 2010

Xde uitreiking van de Prijzen voor Geschiedenis "Hertog van Arenberg" & Conferentie ‘Russia-Europe, a partnership for the future ?’

Award of the Prizes for History "Duke d'Arenberg" combined with a conference about ‘Russia-Europe, a partnership for the future ?’ Symposium and Conference organised in partnership by the Arenberg Foundation, the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL) and the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) with the Chamber of Commerce of Belgium- Luxembourg for Russia and Belarus.

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Conferenties & seminaries Geschiedenisprijzen “Hertog van Arenberg” Prijzen

3 juni 2010

4de Arenberg-Coimbra Group prijs, Brussel

The 2010 Laureate is Alessandro De Bortoli, from the university of Padova who studied ‘Non-Pharmacological Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation’ at the University of Bergen, Norway.

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Arenberg - Coimbra Group Prijs Prijzen

12 december 2009

Visit to Neufchâteau (Belgian Ardennes)

1609-2009, Le prince Léopold d’Arenberg sur les traces des anciens seigneurs de Neufchâteau. Inauguration du panneau des blasons seigneuriaux.

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