IVth Arenberg Conference for History: Nobility and Power in Central Europe 1918-2015
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IVth Arenberg Conference for History «Nobility and Power in Central Europe 1918-2015», in collaboration with the Catholic University Pazmany Péter, Budapest
September 18th-19th
The conference aims at covering the relations and connections between nobility and political power, mainly, since the end of World War I. From 1918 until 1945 nobility maintains a political influence in certain regimes and has more difficult relations with others. From 1945 onwards, it is the beginning of Communism and of the discriminations and “punishments” that were applied on nobles by the new regimes in power. Through a panel of witnesses we will eventually hear personal and family experiences under Communism and after.
For practical reasons, the focus is on titled nobility or aristocracy in the successor States of Austria- Hungary.
Conference languages : French, German, Hungarian (simultaneous translation provided), English (no translation provided).
Location: Pázmany Péter Catholic University, Szentkirályi utca 28, 1088 Budapest
Partners: Fondation d’Arenberg/Arenberg stichting/Arenberg Stiftung, Péter Pázmány Catholic University, Institut français de Budapest