Frühere Aktivitäten

12–14 Oktober 2023

XIth Arenberg Conference for History: Blood and Virtue. Nobility of Blood and Nobilities of soul in the Middle Ages

XIth Arenberg Conference for History: Blood and Virtue. Nobility of Blood and Nobilities of soul in the Middle Ages - The existence, in the Middle Ages, of a social category with a high situation because of its birth is commonplace. As early as the 7th century, Isidore of Seville played on notus (adjectivized past participle of gnosco, “know”) and its derivatives notabilis and nobilis, and defined the noble as “Someone whose name and family are known”. However, while this quality is inherited, the social pre-eminence of the nobility is also justified by the outstanding qualities and virtues of its members.

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Konferenzen Arenberg Konferenz für Geschichte

9–10 September 2023

Arenberg Trophäe V

Die Arenberg-Stiftung und der Drohnenclub Belgiens bündeln zum fünften Mal ihre Kräfte für diese aussergewöhnliche Rallye. Mehr Infos im Flyer unten.

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Arenberg Trophäe

7 Juni 2023

"Aremberg feiert frisch saniertes Gotteshaus" - artikel in Rhein-Zeitung

Mit einer Festmesse wurde am Dreifaltigkeitssonntag die Wiedereröffnung der Pfarrkirche in Aremberg gefeiert, Pfarrer Rainer Justen, Kooperator Pater Richard Anandraj HGN und Pfarrer i. R. Michael Schaefer zelebrierten den Gottesdienst.

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