Frühere Aktivitäten

31 Dezember 2018

"Adel over grenzen heen" Ein interview mit prof. dr. Violet Soen (KU Leuven) in Virtus

"Adel over grenzen heen" Ein interview mit prof. dr. Violet Soen (KU Leuven) in Virtus (vol. 25, 2018)

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6–7 Dezember 2018

VIIIth Arenberg Conference for History: Addressing the Public Abroad. Strategies of Cultural and Public Diplomacy in the Early Modern Habsburg World (1550-1750)

This conference aims to examine a field that a number of historians and art historians have analyzed in the last two decades, but which has seldom been explicitly delineated or discussed in a comparative fashion: strategies of cultural and public diplomacy in the early modern Habsburg world (1550-1750). Therefore, this conference focuses on the different tactics employed by the representatives of foreign nations and groups – both official and unofficial – in influencing public opinion abroad and, in doing so, furthering diplomatic engagements.

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Konferenzen Arenberg Konferenz für Geschichte

26 November 2018

Talkshow "De Afspraak"

Duke Leopold was invited on the Belgian talkshow "De Afspraak" to talk about the Arenberg Festival and the Arenberg Foundation (Image:

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21 November 2018

XIV. Verleihung der Arenbergpreise für Geschichte, Brüssel

Die Preisverleihung wird traditionsgemäß im Palais des Académies in Brüssel stattfinden.

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Geschichtspreise "Herzog von Arenberg" Preisverleihung

16 November 2018

Buchpräsentation: La Maison d’Arenberg en France

On November 16th 2018, the important book about “La Maison d’Arenberg en France” was presented in Paris in collaboration with the 'Association Française pour la Protection des Archives Privées' (AFPAP) and the 'Association de la Noblesse de France' (ANF), based on fifteen years of hard work of twenty collaborators, mainly professors and archivists.

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