15–19 Juli 2025

Accademia Vivaldi - L’inganno trionfante in amore

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The 2025 masterclass of the Accademia Vivaldi, led by Gemma Bertagnolli, will be entirely dedicated to the opera L’inganno trionfante in amore, RV 721, whose first performance took place in the autumn of 1725 at the S. Angelo theatre in Venice.

Five arias from this drama have survived and are preserved in various European libraries: Al balenar del brando (Library of the Benedictine Abbey of Lambach, Austria), Palpita il cor e freme and Son nel mar d’aspri tormenti (Berlin State Library), Langue il fior su l’arsa sponda (Library of the Brussels Conservatories) and S’odo quel rio che mormora (Library of the Arenberg Foundation, Enghien/Edingen, Belgium). A number of arias, such as Se ingrata nube (from La Gloria and Imeneo), from other Vivaldi compositions were included by him in the opera libretto.

The aria S'odo quel rio che mormora from the Arenberg family archives in Enghien/Edingen was discovered by Dr Marie Cornaz, the head of the music division at the Royal Library of Belgium and lecturer in musicology at the Université Libre de Bruxelles and also a member of the Arenberg’s Foundation scientific committee. For many years, Dr Marie Cornaz inventoried, classified and studied the musical documents from this Belgian noble private collection, resulting in a publication, first in French Les Ducs d'Arenberg et la musique au XVIIIe siècle (2010) and later reworked in English The Dukes of Arenberg and Music in the Eighteenth century (2015). American mezzo-soprano Vivica Genaux and the Belgian baroque ensemble Les Agréments under the direction of Guy Van Waas interpreted the unique score on 22 December 2010 at the Palace of Fine Arts in Brussels (Bozar). This may be considered a world premiere because until then no complete score had been found of Vivaldi's opera L'ingano trionfante in amore

The course will conclude with a concert by the students in which the surviving arias from L’inganno trionfante in amore will be performed.

Casanova prima di Casanova 
Costruzione culturale del mito del libertino

On 17 July, in conjunction with the Accademia Vivaldi masterclass, and as part of the celebrations of the 300th anniversary of Giacomo Casanova’s birth, a round table will be organised: “Casanova before Casanova – Cultural construction of the libertine myth” curated by Giada Viviani, in which the contribution of Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-century operas to the cultural construction of the myth of the libertine will be discussed, of which plots such as L’inganno trionfante in amore develop certain themes.

Treated in particular in 17th-century Venetian academies, but popular until the end of the 18th century, the figure of the libertine embodied philosophical and politico-moral issues such as the legitimacy of freedom of thought, even against the dogmas of the Church, the questioning of civil and religious norms, and the subversion of the rigid hierarchical relations on which the social construct of the Ancient règime was based. The erotic or ambiguous situations on the level of gender connotation, of which Venetian opera of the time - including several works by Vivaldi - offers numerous examples, should also be interpreted in this sense: it was not the sensual element in itself that constituted the main object of representation, but rather its function as a subversive element and, as such, capable of opening up new horizons of the possible on a philosophical, moral and political level.

The round table will be organised in collaboration with the research group ‘La drammaturgia musicale a Venezia (1678-1792)’ of the Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi (Venice).

Istituto Italiano Antonio Vivaldi

The Istituto Italiano Antonio Vivaldi, founded by Antonio Fanna and Angelo Ephrikian in 1947 and which became part of the Fondazione Giorgio Cini, in 1978, preserves copies of all the music – manuscripts and prints of the period – composed by Antonio Vivaldi, as well as modern editions of the same, monographic essays and extensive audio and video documentation, available to scholars for consultation. 

The main activity of the Institute is the preparation and publication of modern editions of the music of the Red Priest. All instrumental music (about 550 titles) and sacred and secular vocal music (87 works) has been published with the publisher Ricordi. A critical edition of the Opere teatrali is in preparation, consisting of operas, serenades, oratorios and arias. (To learn more about the history of the Institute, the volume A flow of music has been published and can be consulted here: https://www.cini.it/en/publications/a-flow-of-music-antonio-vivaldi-at-the-origins-of-a-rediscovery). 

Since 2017, the Institute has been organising the Accademia Vivaldi, i.e. master classes held by internationally renowned teachers (Gemma Bertagnolli, Veronica Cangemi, Gianluca Capuano, Giorgio Fava, Sergio Foresti, Antonio Frigé, Sara Mingardo, Federico Maria Sardelli, Valter Vestidello) on the performance practice of Vivaldi’s music for young singers and musicians. The ten selected and scholarship-winning students have the opportunity not only to perfect their interpretation, but also to deepen their knowledge of the theoretical aspect of the pieces addressed and of Vivaldi’s historical and cultural context, through lectures given by musicologists working for the Istituto Italiano Antonio Vivaldi and, thanks to a long-term collaboration with the Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi, by members of the research group La drammaturgia musicale a Venezia (1678-1792) coordinated by Professor Giada Viviani. 

For more information about Accademia Vivaldi 2025: https://www.cini.it/en/events/accademia-vivaldi-2025-masterclass-on-the-performance-practice-of-the-music-of-antonio-vivaldi