Activités passées

2 février 2013

Herzog Leopold von Arenberg. Bürger Europas. Ein portrait von Philipp Heubgen, Essen

Portrait of duke Leopold d'Arenberg in: Stiftung & Sponsoring. Das Magazin für Nonprofit-Management und -Marketing. 2, 2013. » Herzog Leopold von Arenberg. Bürger Europas. Ein portrait von Philipp Heubgen, Essen.

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29 novembre 2012

Fundraiser for the restoration of the chapel of Bormenville

Speech by the Duke d'Arenberg on invitation from the Cercle International Diplomatique et Consulaire (CIDIC) in the castle of Ophem titled: 'De l'utilité d'un plan Marshall culturel européen' on the occasion of a fundraiser for the restoration of the chapel of Bormenville.

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Conférences & seminaires Varia

28 novembre 2012

Dinner-debate at the Cercle Royal Gaulois Artistique et Littéraire: “China’s domestic agenda: Social, educational and cultural challenges facing China in the 21st century”

Dinner debate: “China’s domestic agenda: Social, educational and cultural challenges facing China in the 21st century” Cercle Gaulois, Brussels The keynote address was delivered by H.E. ambassador Wu Hailong, Head of the Mission of People’s Republic of China to the EU.

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Conférences & seminaires

23 novembre 2012

XIème remise des prix d'histoire 'Duc d'Arenberg'

Opening words by minister of State Mark Eyskens and prof. dr Hilde De Ridder - Symoens, chair of the Awards Committee.   Presentation of the work by Peter Winzen, “Im Schatten Wilhelms II. Bülows und Eulenburgs Poker um die Macht im Kaiserreich”, SH Verlag, 2011 by prof. Thomas Weber. Speech by laureate

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Prix d’Histoire «Duc d’Arenberg» Remises de prix

25–26 octobre 2012

IInd Arenberg Conference for History: Early Modern trade and transport

The University of Groningen and Tresoar, the Frisian Historical and Literary Centre at Leeuwarden are building an electronic database for the Sound Toll Registers (STR), dubbed Sound Toll Registers online, short: STRO. They carry out this project in close co-operation with Rigsarkivet, the Danish State Archive in Copenhagen which keeps the more than 700 original, handwritten volumes of the STR.

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Conférences & seminaires Conférence d’Arenberg pour l’Histoire